WASHINGTON, D.C: Americans United for Life (AUL) filed a brief with the United States Supreme Court in support of the state of Indiana in its effort to protect young women with a parental involvement requirement for underage abortions. AUL particularly challenges the “third party standing” assumed by abortion providers which allows for abortionists to sue the state on behalf of their patients.

“Abortionists have interests that are in conflict with their patients” said Steven H. Aden, Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel at Americans United for Life. “Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be allowed to stand in the shoes of minor girls who are considering abortion because of its longstanding record of disregarding patient health and safety regulations, along with its ongoing legal campaign to nullify its patients’ rights to basic medical protections. We look forward to the Court thoughtfully examining the speciousness of third-party standing for abortion providers, illustrated in the over four hundred pages of state deficiency reports these sordid “clinics” have racked up in the state of Indiana alone over the last five years.”

This issue is closely related to another case currently before the Court which they will hear on March 4th, Gee v. June Medical Services LLC. Americans United for Life also filed a  brief before the Court in that case, writing on behalf of 207 members of the United States Congress, urging the Court to re-examine third-party standing for abortion providers and to uphold the rights of states to enact and enforce basic health and safety regulations for their citizens.

Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization that holds the distinction of being the first national pro-life organization in America—incorporated in 1971. It protects and defends human life from conception to natural death through vigorous legislative, judicial, and educational efforts.

press@aul.org or 202-741-4921