Clarke Forsythe’s new book Abuse of Discretion published today opens the papers of Roe’s Supreme Court Justices to explain today’s headlines.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (09-24-13) – Americans United for Life Senior Counsel, Clarke Forsythe, one of the nation’s leading legal experts on abortion in American jurisprudence, details how the legal foundation in the United States Supreme Court decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton is crumbling under the weight of biased reasoning, short-sighted impulses and policy prejudices that motivated the Justices in 1973. Forsythe’s book Abuse of Discretion, published by Encounter Books, tells the story of how two of the most controversial Supreme Court rulings in America’s history were created — and how their flawed reasoning continues to distort today’s American political landscape.

The book, out today, is available for purchase on Amazon. Click here to learn more about a special event Wednesday, Oct. 2 at the National Press Club, in which nationally known legal experts explore the issues raised in Forsythe’s book.

“The extensive research behind Abuse of Discretion reveals the radical political agenda that was behind the Justices’ deliberate creation of the abortion right,” said AUL President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest. “Roe v. Wade is one of the world’s most infamous decisions in Constitutional law and it is destined for the dust-bin of history.”

As detailed in Abuse of Discretion, the Justices’ reasoning in Roe and Doe was based on a non-existent record regarding the adverse health effects to women from abortion. Their reasoning has since eroded in light of a growing body of science which exposes abortion’s many dangers to women. It is precisely the scientific evidence regarding both fetal development and the harms to women from abortion which has created the opportunity for commonsense pro-life legislative successes.

“The scant science on maternal health available in 1973 cannot withstand the weight of research today on both life in the womb and the dangers of abortion to women, especially later in pregnancy. Roe and Doe’s reliance on flawed ‘health’ reasoning is their Achilles’ heel,” continued Dr. Yoest.

Author and national expert on constitutional law and bioethics, AUL Senior Counsel Clarke Forsythe, has argued cases before federal and state courts and has testified before Congress and state legislatures. He is also a prolific writer on pro-life law issues, including Politics for the Greatest Good: The Case for Prudence in the Public Square, which was published by InterVarsity Press in 2009.

To book interviews with Forsythe on Abuse of Discretion and for more analysis of Roe’s past and future, e-mail: