WASHINGTON,D.C  –  Just two days after the presidential inauguration, Americans United for Life (AUL) and a coalition of leading pro-life organizations, including Live Action and the James Wilson Institute, are calling on the Trump Administration to take action on the abortion pill, Mifeprex, to preserve the health and safety of women and girls. The coalition has sent letters to the FDA and DOJ urging the reinstatement of basic safety measures under the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) and enforcement of anti-abortion trafficking laws under the Comstock Act. 

The coalition also released a policy paper co-written by AUL CEO John Mize, Live Action President Lila Rose, and James Wilson Institute Affiliated Scholar Joshua Craddock, detailing the health risks posed by the abortion pill. AUL is also inviting Americans to sign a petition urging the administration to act. 

The abortion pill accounts for over 60% of U.S. abortions and has been linked to severe complications, including septic infection, hemorrhage, and death. Despite these risks, FDA safeguards have been significantly weakened:

  • In 2016, the gestational limit for use was extended from 49 to 70 days. 
  • In 2021, abortion pills were permitted for mail-order distribution without in-person medical evaluation. 
  • In 2023, retail pharmacies were allowed to dispense the drugs, further reducing oversight. 

John Mize, CEO of AUL, emphasized: 
“This is the next step for a pro-life administration committed to protecting women and children. Reinstating REMS ensures necessary medical oversight. By reinstating REMS, the FDA will ensure the abortion pill remains subject to appropriate medical oversight that protects women and girls from harm. 

Americans United for Life and its partners are calling on Americans to sign a petition supporting these efforts. By joining this movement, individuals can add their voices to encourage the Trump Administration to prioritize women’s safety and protect preborn children.” 

The list of principals and organizations that signed onto the letters include: 

  • John Mize, CEO, Americans United for Life  
  • Lila Rose, President and CEO, Live Action 
  • Josh Craddock, Affiliated Scholar, James Wilson Institute  
  • Benjamin Watson, VP of Strategic Relationships, Human Coalition 
  • Dr. Christina Francis, CEO, AAPLOG Action 
  • Ryan Anderson, Ph.D., President, The Ethics and Public Policy Center 
  • R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, Centennial Professor of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 
  • Tim Chapman, President, Advancing American Freedom 
  • Dan Steiner, Founder & President, Preborn! 
  • Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America 
  • Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life 
  • Ralph Reed, Founder & Chairman, Faith and Freedom Coalition 
  • Abby Johnson, CEO & Founder, ATTWN & ProLove Ministries 
  • Penny Nance, President & CEO, Concerned Women for America LAC 
  • Brent Leatherwood, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention 
  • Kristen Day, President, Democrats for Life 
  • Herbert M. Newell I.V., President & Executive Director, Lifeline Children’s Services 
  • Jor-El Godsey, President, Heartbeat International 
  • Roland Warren, President and CEO, Carenet 
  • Tom Brejcha, President and Chief Counsel, Thomas More Society 
  • Brandy Meeks, President & CEO, Vitae Foundation 
  • Monica Snyder, Executive Director, Secular Pro-Life 
  • Hadley Arkes, Founder & Co-Director, James Wilson Institute 
  • Missy Martinez-Stone, CEO, Center for Client Safety  
  • Alexandra Snyder, CEO, Life Legal Defense Foundation 
  • Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, Founder, New Wave Feminists 
  • Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO, First Rights Global Centennial 
  • John L. Rustin, President, North Carolina Family Policy Counsel 
  • Christopher Bell, President, Good Counsel Homes 
  • Trevor Solo, Director of Strategy, Protect Life Michigan 

For more information or to sign the petition, visit aul.org/abortion-pills.  

For more information or to arrange an interview with AUL, contact Alison Centofante at press@aul.org or 609-517-7235. 

Since 1971, Americans United for Life (AUL) has advanced the human right to life in culture, law, and policy by equipping advocates and lawmakers with the facts and strategies that change hearts and minds and protect human life. The first national pro-life organization in the country, AUL is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization with a four-star rating from Charity Navigator.