Slayback will support Americans United for Life in combatting the national threat of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Americans United for Life (AUL) announced Wednesday that Zak Slayback has been named a Paige Comstock Cunningham Senior Fellow.
Zak Slayback is a partner at a venture capital fund, where he invests at the earliest stages in technology companies founded by the uncredentialed and by scientists working on the edges of science. He’s written for numerous publications, ranging from The American Conservative to McGraw-Hill Publishing. He contributes at the intersection of technology, finance, policy, and a culture of life.
As a senior fellow, Slayback will contribute to AUL’s mission to advance the human right to life in culture, law, and policy and will support AUL in communicating a comprehensive cultural, legal, and political message that will counter the growing national threat of a pro-suicide regime.