Chemical abortion promises convenience, but causes silent, isolated pain. This week, South Dakota governor Kristi Noem issued an executive order urging the state’s department of health to create rules surrounding chemical abortion pills distributed through the internet. This increasingly popular method of abortion is on the rise because of its anonymity, but that is exactly the reason why Americans should be concerned. For the sake of the mother’s health, a serious procedure like abortion should not be anonymous. Women deserve much better from so-called healthcare providers. It seems every week we are discussing a new state-level pro-life law. This is because of the men and women who work day in and day out to protect life in their states. Today we are joined by Mark Miller. Mark serves as General Counsel for the state of South Dakota and works with Governor Kristi Noem as her “Unborn Child Advocate.” Mark and his team celebrated a great victory this week, and they know the fight is far from over. Join us as we discuss Mark’s pro-life journey, his experience behind the scenes of pro-life state legislation, and the implications of Governor Noem’s executive order.

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem signs executive order restricting abortion access