Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO of Americans United for Life, issued the following statement on the news of President Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court:

Amy Coney Barrett is the best and most qualified successor for the iconic Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the United States Supreme Court. The President made a wise choice. Judge Barrett has proven that she is a constitutionalist with a profound understanding that the duty of a judge is to fairly interpret the law. Judge Barrett understands that judges should not legislate from the bench or substitute their personal preferences for the authority and weight of the U.S. Constitution. We thank President Trump for this brave and ambitious choice. We urge each Senator to closely examine Judge Barrett’s record, the comments of her colleagues, and the content of her character. I am confident that if each Senator voted on these criteria, she would receive the unanimous consent of the United States Senate.

Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization that holds the distinction of being the first national pro-life organization in America—incorporated in 1971. It protects and defends human life from conception to natural death through vigorous legislative, judicial, and educational efforts.