WASHINGTON, DC—Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO of Americans United for Life, issued the following statement in response to President Donald J. Trump’s February 4, 2020, State of the Union address:
“The president’s welcoming of Robin and Ellie Schneider as his honored guests was a remarkable and encouraging moment at this year’s State of the Union address. Ellie Schneider was born at only 21 weeks old, and she has grown into a beautiful and healthy young girl. Ellie is a living witness to the need for law and policy that protects all human beings from needless violence and harm and especially from the sort of medical indifference to vulnerable young life that Roe encourages and that politicians like Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam seek to codify. In too many jurisdictions in our country, children who are Ellie’s age at birth have no legal protection whatsoever. Ellie is alive and thriving, but no thanks to American law. We must do better for Ellie, and for the vulnerable young girls and boys like her who deserve our love and care.”
Steven H. Aden, Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel at Americans United for Life, said, “We need Congress to rise above election-year partisanship on the issue of vulnerable babies like Ellie. That’s why the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is so important.”
“At the same time,” continued Aden, “more than 200 members of Congress have stepped up to the plate by signing onto our brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider Roe v. Wade. A pro-life Congress in alliance with a pro-life White House will one day deliver the critical human rights reforms we’ve needed since the imposition of abortion on the American people nearly half a century ago. We will continue working toward the day when all are welcomed throughout life and protected in law.”
Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization that holds the distinction of being the first national pro-life organization in America—incorporated in 1971. It protects and defends human life from conception to natural death through vigorous legislative, judicial, and educational efforts.
press@aul.org or 202-741-4921