On March 20, 2018, Americans United for Life partnered with our University of Virginia Law School chapter of Advocates for Life to host a debate on whether abortion should be legal. Stephanie Gray, President of Love Unleashes Life, advocated for the right to life, and Nadine Strossen, a professor at New York Law School and former President of the ACLU, argued for abortion. NBC 29 covered the event:

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – The University of Virginia Law School invited the public to hear a debate which was centralized around the question: should abortion be legal?

Self-proclaimed pro-life groups Americans United for Lifeand Advocates for Life, and an organization which seeks to reform the current legal system,The Federalist Society, sponsored the discussion.

The debate was between President of Love Unleashes Life, Stephanie Gray and former ACLU president and current professor of law at New York Law School, Nadine Strossen.

Strossen says she defends abortion as a “legal right,” but adds that it is a “moral choice.”

Gray, on the other hand, believes, “abortion is a human rights violation.”

Organizers say the aim of the debate was to showcase strong arguments on both sides, in order to encourage people to do their own research.

“I hope the audience left with a deeper understanding of the scientific facts that life begins at fertilization {and} with the reality that if we believe in human rights that we have to be consistent and support the right for life for all humans,” said Gray.

“I hope that students will at least have some different perspectives that they had not considered before … so that even if they’re not wholly persuaded to adopt my point of view, that they would come in and understand that we have some common ground,” said Strossen.

Those who hosted the event say they hope the debate will foster a conversation about abortion and help people realize that you can disagree with someone, but still have a civil conversation.