Pro-Life Model Legislation and Guides

Model State Legislation Across the Spectrum of Pro-Life Issues

Americans United for Life has been a key player in the historic life-saving work of the pro-life movement since 1971. The majority of state legislation protecting mothers and preborn children from abortion has been conceived and drafted by our law and policy experts and passed by state lawmakers working hand-in-hand with our team. Americans United for Life works with state Attorneys General to defend models that have been enacted into law against lawsuits by Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and other abortion activists who seek to tear down legal protections for women and preborn children and relegate Americans to a regime of unregulated “back alley” abortion that is dangerous for mothers and deadly for children.

Americans United for Life attorneys are highly-regarded experts on pro-life legal language and the Constitution, consulting on bills and amendments across the country. Our Policy Guides and Model Legislation enable lawmakers to introduce bills that have sound medical and legal foundations, helping ensure their efforts will have the desired impact and withstand judicial scrutiny. We work hand-in-hand with legislators to minimize avoidable problems so activist judges can’t easily tie a good law up for years in court or strike it down completely.

Americans United for Life is saving millions of lives through strong, constitutionally defensible legislation. We are proud to present our suite of Pro-Life Models and Guides and we invite advocates, lawmakers, and pro-life organizations to work with us to enact these life-saving measures into law.

How a Pro-Life Bill Becomes a Law

“‘Our workload just tripled,’ [Americans United for Life] told Catholic outlet Aleteia, boasting about how many state abortion restrictions [the] group has inspired. ‘And we’re going to be in those blue states. We have a blue state strategy, and we’re going to do everything we can to educate, to push back, to defend life.'” —Vanity Fair

“State legislatures have enacted a slew of abortion restrictions in recent years. Americans United for Life wrote most of them.”The Atlantic

“The USA TODAY/Arizona Republic analysis found Americans United for Life was behind the bulk of the more than 400 copycat [anti-]abortion bills introduced in 41 states. The analysis compares known model legislation with bills introduced by lawmakers using a computer algorithm developed to detect similarities in language.” —USA TODAY/Arizona Republic

AUL’s Pro-Life Models and Guides

Americans United for Life proudly offers comprehensive Model Legislation and Legislative Guides covering the entire spectrum of pro-life issues. Contact our team for more information.

American Life Initiative

Empowering Families to Thrive Act
Women’s Wellness Index
Pregnancy Options Tax Credit Act
Ready for Life Act
Joint Resolution Honoring Pregnancy Resource Centers
Free Speech for Life Act

Empowering Women

Women’s Health Protection Act
Abortion Reporting Act
Women’s Right to Know Act
Coercive Abuse Against Mothers Prevention Act
Abortion Inducing Drugs Information Act
State Abortion Laws Enforcement Module
Women’s Ultrasound Right to Know Act
Pregnant Woman’s Protection Act
Abortion-Inducing Drug Risk Protocol

Safeguarding Life

The Personhood Declaration
Preborn Infants Dignity Act
Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act
Born-Alive Infant Protection Act
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
Preborn Children Wrongful Death Act
Perinatal Hospice Information Act
Women’s Late Term Pregnancy Health Act
Human Life Amendment
Chemical Abortion Accountability Act
Crimes Against the Preborn Child Act
Pain Capable Protection Act

Defending Conscience

Healthcare Freedom of Conscience Act
Pharmacist Freedom of Conscience Act
Ensuring Compliance with Healthcare Freedom of Conscience Act

Ensuring Human Dignity

Custody of Embryonic Children Act
Human Cloning Prohibition Act
Destructive Human Embryo Research Act
Prohibition on Public Funding of Human Cloning and Destructive Embryo Research Act
Real Hope for Patients Act (Funding of Ethical Alternatives)
Assisted Reproductive Technologies Disclosure and Risk Reduction Act
Egg Provider Protection Act
Embryo Adoption Act

Defunding Abortion

Family Planning Consistency and Transparency Act
Abortion Subsidy Prohibition Act
Federal Abortion Mandate Opt-Out Act
Abortion Coverage Prohibition Act
Employee Coverage Prohibition Act
Exchange & Private Insurance Coverage Prohibition Act
Joint Resolution Calling for Investigation and Defunding of Abortion Providers
Defunding the Abortion Industry and Advancing Women’s Health Act

Caring for the Elderly and Ill

Charlie Gard Life-Sustaining Care Act
Suicide By Physician Ban Act
Joint Resolution Opposing Suicide By Physician
Pain Management Education Act
End-of-Life Dignity Declaration Act
Suicide Coercion Prevention Act

Strengthening Families

Minor Girls’ Abuse Protection Act
Parental Involvement Enhancement Act
Parental Consent for Abortion Act
Parental Notification for Abortion Act