Pregnancy centers (PCs) in Idaho scored a big victory recently when the Idaho Medical Association (IMA) backed off their proposed resolution targeting funding for PCs of which there are around 85 in the state. Resolution 105 inexplicably accused PCs of providing “inaccurate medical information,” being exempt from regulatory and licensing oversight, and manipulating clients among other things.

Pregnancy Centers Offer High-Quality Medical Care

Pregnancy centers provide their comprehensive list of services with high standards of care. For example, Care Net has more than 1,200 affiliate PCs across the country with each center agreeing to abide by “Pregnancy Center Standards of Affiliation,” a list of fifteen guidelines. Care Net centers that offer medical services must operate “under the authority and direction of a licensed physician who is in good standing with the physician’s state licensing board,” use licensed and trained medical professionals when conducting medical procedures, keep client information confidential, and communicate and advertise with both truthfulness and honesty. 

All Care Net resources containing medical content have been approved by a Medical Advisory Board and any additional medical resources distributed to clients must have prior physician approval. Contrary to the Idaho Medical Association’s patently false claim that pregnancy centers are exempt from oversight, medical centers abide by medical standards and practices.

Idaho’s Coalition Support Is Successful

Idaho Coalition for Life is an organization that provides statewide affiliation for pregnancy help centers and pregnancy medical clinics and promotes and defends the work of PCs. Together, the members of the coalition drafted a response to the IMA’s resolution that highlighted the services offered by PCs in Idaho and addressed each of the accusations contained in the resolution.  

The coalition’s response resulted in the IMA revising the language of their resolution. It now states that “any entity that represents itself as offering health-related services should uphold the standards of truthfulness, transparency and confidentiality that govern health care professionals.” It also reads that “healthcare services provided in such facilities should be medically accurate, non-directive, and provided by licensed professionals practicing within their scope of practice and within the standard of care.” This is a vast change from the IMA categorically targeting PCs and recognizes that all providers should be held to the high standard that PCs already are. 

“The Idaho Medical Association’s decision to revise their resolution is a significant victory for Idaho pregnancy centers, pregnancy medical clinics and the communities they serve,” said Heather Lawless, founder of the Idaho Coalition for Life.  

Lawless continued:  

This outcome reaffirms what we’ve always known—pregnancy centers and pregnancy medical clinics provide gold-standard medical care and holistic support to women and families in need. From adhering to the highest medical standards to offering compassionate, life-affirming services, pregnancy centers and pregnancy medical clinics in Idaho stand as a beacon of integrity and care. We are proud to stand united in defense of life and excellence and remain committed to ensuring these centers can continue to serve with distinction. 

We Must Defend Pregnancy Centers Vigilantly

There are a few lessons that can be gleaned from this incident. First, pregnancy centers must unite to defend their work from those who wish to halt their efforts. While PCs have been under attack across the country, this victory is proof that speaking out can alter the course of regulations and legislation. 

Secondly, while Idaho PCs should celebrate their success, there is more work that lies ahead. Pregnancy centers should continue serving their clients with excellence while ensuring that their practices and resources are above reproach.  

Finally, pregnancy centers across the country must remain vigilant. The IMA has backed down for now but that does not mean that a similar resolution won’t be introduced again in the future. If groups like the IMA are going to target PCs in a pro-life state, we should take precautions to guard the work of PCs in every state. Pregnancy centers need to be informed on legislation, lawsuits, and other tactics that threaten their ability to operate.

The Pregnancy Center Advocacy Hub

Americans United for Life has developed an advocacy hub focused exclusively on legislative and administrative proposals related to pregnancy centers. This site is designed to help PC staff, volunteers, and supporters stay informed and easily contact their officials at all levels of government. Visit the Pregnancy Center advocacy hub and bookmark it today!