The 2024 Life List identifies where each state ranks from most to least pro-life.

Americans United for Life released its 2024 Life List on Wednesday. The list ranks each state from most to least pro-life according to state laws regarding abortion, legal recognition of preborn children, bioethics (such as destructive human embryo research), assisted suicide, end-of-life patient care, and healthcare rights of conscience.
The 2024 list ranks Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Indiana in the top five and Vermont, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii in the bottom five.
Government Affairs Director Bradley Kehr said, “As the year comes to a close, we at AUL are proud to highlight the state governments that have taken the task of Dobbs to heart. At the same time, our Life List draws attention to the states across the country that have spent this year tearing down the right to life. We will continue to work with state legislators in 2024 to protect the rights of those unprotected from abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and other assaults against human life.”
Policy Counsel Danielle Pimentel said, “AUL’s Life List highlights the tremendous progress states have made toward building a life-affirming culture across the nation. In the year after Dobbs, states have continued to fight for life and, as a result, at least 59 pro-life laws were enacted in the past legislative session.”
For more information, see AUL’s 2024 Life List and AUL’s 2023 Annual State Policy Report.