WASHINGTON, DC— This week the European Parliament adopted a tragic and anti-scientific position on abortion” that would see the violence and self-harm of abortion perversely treated as a fundamental human right. The European Parliament’s decision is nothing less than an attempt to expand abortion markets and impose the dehumanizing practice across the continent.

The EU report decries “barriers in the access to abortion” and asserts that “free and legal abortion” should be available everywhere within the European Union. Katie Glenn, Government Affairs Counsel at Americans United for Life, released the following statement:

The European Parliament has been clear that legislating healthcare is the responsibility of each member state, yet for the political ideology of abortion, some would make an exception. The Matic report will allow abortion ideology to trample the jurisdictional boundaries of member states and the conscience rights of their citizens. This backward-looking effort also flies in the face of a growing international consensus to support families and the right to life exemplified by the Geneva Consensus Declaration which emphasizes that, “in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning”. Every institution should support flourishing families, not impose an extreme ideology that is out of step with even those nations that do permit legal abortion early in pregnancy. At a time when many nations are considering and implementing pro-family policies to encourage family formation, due to low birth rates, it threatens the future of the social welfare system to institutionally encourage abortion. If we have learned anything while combating the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that we must protect the health and dignity of every member of the human family regardless of age or location.

William L. Saunders, former Senior Counsel at Americans United for Life, authored the landmark article, “Neither by Treaty, Nor by Custom” in the Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy in 2011, which documents the cynical attempts by abortion activists to recast abortion as a human right. Saunders also authored the 2015 article, “The San Jose Articles and an International Right to Abortion” in the Ave Maria International Law Journal.

Americans United for Life (AUL) is a nonprofit, public-interest law and policy organization that holds the distinction of being the first national pro-life organization in America—incorporated in 1971. It protects and defends human life from conception to natural death through vigorous legislative, judicial, and educational efforts.

press@aul.org or 202-741-4921