Happy Monday, friends! I’m coming to you from the Outer Banks, North Carolina this week. Duck Donuts for everyone!  

It appears that Joe Biden has won Pennsylvania, securing enough electoral votes to claim a victory in the presidential race. Lawsuits have been filed in a handful of states, but I think we can safely begin to speculate on what a Biden presidency will look like come January. 

Here’s what we know: 

  1. We are headed to Atlanta. No, not just the eventual 2020 SEC Champion Florida Gators. Both Georgia Senate races will continue to a January 5th runoff to determine who controls the Senate. If Republicans win one or both Senate seats, they will maintain control of the upper chamber. If Democrats win both, the Senate will be 50-50, making VP-elect Kamala Harris the tiebreaker. If you were hoping for an end to campaign contribution text messages, we’ve got a couple more weeks and two big races coming our way.  

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