“Asking abortionists to follow the laws created for out-patient medical facilities is a low bar for an invasive medical procedure that can have life-threatening complications,” noted Dr. Yoest.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (10-31-13) – Americans United for Life President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest applauded a ruling of the Fifth Circuit Court that stayed a decision by District Judge Lee Yeakel that blocked a Texas law requiring that physicians performing abortions have hospital admitting privileges and restoring AUL inspired abortion inducing drug act requiring physicians prescribing RU-486 to follow FDA protocols. As a result, better emergency care for women will be available when needed after abortion. “We welcome the Fifth Circuit ruling allowing common-sense limits on abortion to go into effect, protecting women from the back alley abortion conditions that exist in too many clinics today,” said Dr. Yoest. “Asking abortionists to follow the laws created for out-patient medical facilities is a low bar for an invasive medical procedure that can have life-threatening complications,” noted Dr. Yoest.

The Fifth Circuit also restored the chemical abortion protections for women, which were based in part on AUL model legislation. “Requiring physicians to follow FDA protocols when performing a chemical abortion is the least they should be required to do. Women have died after being administered this dangerous drug,” noted Dr. Yoest.

For more on the issues surrounding the Texas laws protecting women, click here.

For more on the health risks of abortion to women, click here.