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Model Legislation To Protect Life Among Our Cherished Seniors.

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Areas of Legislative Activity Regarding Suicide & Euthanasia

AUL Model Legislation and AUL Legislative Guides are linked below. Request more information for your state by contacting our team. 

Americans United for Life opposes any policy suggesting that suicide or death are the answer to illness, disease, disability, or suffering. Recognizing this, the Patients’ Protection Project consists of: 

  • The Assisted Suicide Ban Act prohibits legalized suicide by a physician’s prescription.
  • The Joint Resolution Opposing Assisted Suicide reaffirms the state’s opposition to assisted suicide and provides information to counter any momentum achieved by those asserting that suicide and death are America’s answers to illness, disease, disability, or suffering.
  • The Life Sustaining Care Act protects a patient from having life-sustaining care withdrawn or withheld against his or her will.
  • The End-of-Life Dignity Declaration Act prevents judicial activism that would devise a state constitutional right to assisted suicide, permit a consent defense to homicide charges, or otherwise legalize the practice.
  • The Suicide Coercion Prevention Act protects vulnerable patients from the threat of suicide tourism by instituting legal protections against coercion and abuse.
  • The Pain Medication Education Act establishes an educational curriculum for pain management and provides guidelines for evaluating, monitoring, and treating pain. 

Americans United for Life attorneys are highly regarded experts on pro-life legal language and the Constitution, consulting on bills and amendments across the country. Our Policy Guides and Model Legislation enable lawmakers to introduce bills that have sound medical and legal foundations, helping ensure their efforts will have the desired impact and withstand judicial scrutiny. We work hand-in-hand with legislators to minimize avoidable problems so activist judges can’t easily tie a good law up for years in court or strike it down completely.