Americans United for Life Vice President of External Affairs and Corporate Counsel Jeanneane Maxon will testify later today regarding a New Hampshire resolution commending the work of pregnancy care centers.

The resolution is part of an effort from Americans United for Life and Care Net to recognize the life-changing work of pregnancy care centers that offer “compassionate and confidential counselling in a nonjudgmental manner regardless of their pregnancy outcomes,” said Maxon

The details of the hearing are as follows:

Who: Jeanneane Maxon, Vice President of External Affairs and Corporate Counsel for AUL Action
What: Testifying about HCR31
When: Thursday, 5-3-12, at 1:00 pm
Where: LOB 102 (Legislative Office Building, located directly behind the N.H. State House) 33 N State St., Concord, N.H.